The active survey in the curricular strategy of the medicine student

Letter to the Director

Mr. Director:

After the start of COVID-19 pandemic, the global situation has changed rapidly. Several strategies have been developed by governments to overcome the threat.

The Ministry of Public Health focused a large part of its actions on reordering the curriculum of students of Medical Sciences, so that the educational teaching process did not stop with the postponement of classroom activities. In this way, distance education was implemented, as well as the development of in-service training as an organizational form of teaching through active survey (1.

This implemented curricular reordering maintains and manifests the different curricular strategies in the studies of the Medical Sciences: communication skills, research, use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), political-ideological work, the mastery of other languages and the use of Natural and Traditional Medicine (NTM).

The active survey carried out by the students of the Medical Sciences allows the implementation of strategies for the prevention of diseases and the promotion of health. By developing in-service educational activities directly in primary health care, the student is related to problems and situations of medical practice, which allows for an undergraduate degree that is closer to a postgraduate degree.

Communication is a basic skill in medical practice, favoredin the course ofsurvey, during which the student must establish conversations with patients, through communication resources according to the characteristics and capacities of the respondent. With the implementation of the interview the skill in the development of the anamnesis is improved, being these abilities necessary to direct the diagnosis of diseases.

The constant updating of protocols and measurements, as well as the growing scientific curiosity of students, brings them closer to research. When searching for information, as well as critical readings of documents, the use of ICTs is necessary. Many of the articles and documents are not written in our mother tongue, so students must make use of their skillsin English language and others, such as Portuguese.

Therefore, they should use tools and people that facilitate the understanding of the manuscripts, thus showing the intersectoral and interdisciplinary approach in the training and research process. With the use of information technologies, through mobile applications and the entry to official sites of the Ministry of Public Health, the need for the use of these means is evident. Distance education and the use of virtual applications, such as the virtual researcher, are other reasons for the need to use ICTs today.

The active survey constitutes a favorable moment for the student to create conscience in the population about the need to use Natural and Traditional Medicine, which at present constitutes a policy of the government. The application of the homeopathic medicine PREVENGOVIR was developed all over the country, even in the most far-off communities, where the young physicians develop their activities.

In the current stage, a strengthening of thesystem of values has been developed in the Cuban students of the Medical Sciences. Responsibility, humanity, unselfishness and equality, system of values that isdeveloped from the first years of life by the family and the educational institutions, which are set into practice through the active survey 2,3,4.

Active survey, correct use of protective measures by the population, and imposed biosecurity measures demonstrate the capacity of our health and government system to respond to and cope with unfavorable situations such as IDRC-19 5)..

Even though Cuban medical science students are not in the classroom or in the usual teaching settings, the teaching-learning process does not stop: the restructuring of the teaching-learning processprovides an outlet for the curricular strategies and knowledge systems needed for medical training, based on the graduate model. This letter is recognition to the young physicians for their hard work in the active survey; and it is a call to carry out, with the required quality, this necessary task.

  • 1

    CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

  • 2

    AUTHOR'S CONTRIBUTION: Both authors participated in the conceptualization, writing of the original draft, as well as its correction and edition. Both authors reviewed and approved the final version of the article.

  • 3

    FINANCING: The authors state that they did not receive funding for the development of this letter.

  • » Received: 09/07/2020
  • » Accepted: 13/07/2020
  • » Published: 19/07/2020

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